I have been uploading classes to my website since 2012, and for many years I did this free of charge. Some years in I had requests to set up a PayPal account so folks could leave donations if they wished, which was very kind. Then during the pandemic, when I lost my income from in-person classes, I realised it was time to set up a pay wall to my website.
It was a tricky time for all of us, and I received many upset emails from folks who had practiced with me for free for a long time, who didn’t appreciate me asking for a contribution for my work. I tried to remind them that I was sharing my expertise, my time and my efforts, and paying for web design, audio equipment, zoom and vimeo subscriptions to mention a few…
Needless to say, not everyone wanted to continue practicing with me online, and that’s okay. I offered free memberships, and pay-it-forward options for anyone who reached out with a genuine desire to practice, but did not have have the means (I still do this).
But now, almost 3.5 years since the pandemic started, I’ve decided it’s time to re-evaluate my asking price for access to my content. With the sky-rocketing cost of living, my own return to teaching in-person classes and less overheads, I have done my best to make access to my website (hopefully) more affordable.
I have been torn about this, because I also understand the argument for “charging what you’re worth”, but my ethics have always been centred around accessibility and inclusivity. Never have I wanted to create a space that felt “exclusive” or for “v.i.p’s only” (you ARE a very important person).
My hope is that you feel welcome and able to practice yoga with me, if you so desire. Please do reach out if you think I can do better in some way.
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